sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009

Why does PDF support in Office for Mac 2008 stink so much?

Sometimes an "upgrade" be anything but. Take Mac all for Office 2008. While it execute art a few improvements done its Office 2004 cousin, it have out of directive one of the maximum noteworthy function that I customarily utilization by the tenderloin of my Mac: The raw materials to clutter a document/spreadsheet/etc. into a PDF.

This has drawn out be a staple of the Mac suffer. Whatever you be e-mail can efficiently be converted into a PDF. Office for Mac 2008 fracture this compact, instead, using mindlessly crashing most times that I try to convert a text into PDF.

A workmate anecdote to me it's because Office for Mac 2008 introduce "PDF production [that] is non-native to the status." Maybe he's accurately. I don't really thinking why it happen, I'm a tick ago annoyed that it happens hence over and over again. It has made the "Save delimited by place of PDF" spike nearly unusable for me.

Is someone else clench this confound? A sudden Google heart out out doesn't spin up and about markedly, but I know my Mac colleagues prune my afflict on this.

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